class in FinixMakesGames.MazeGenerator / Inherits from:Maze
A Unity component capable of creating rectangular mazes.
Property | Description |
seed | A string value used to determine the layout of a maze, leaving it empty will generate a random seed |
cellSize | The number of units that a single cell will ocupy in a scene. |
rows | The number of Cells created along the local z-axis. |
collumns | The number of Cells created along the local x-axis. |
generationType | An Enum used to determine whether the maze will be created with prefab tiles, or with simple walls and pillars |
algorithm | The algorithm used to create the Maze layout |
--- | --- |
corridorObjects | A list of prefabs used in when generating the prefab with tiles, will select a random tile from this list every time it encounters a Cell with a corridor layout. |
cornerObjects | A list of prefabs used in when generating the prefab with tiles, will select a random tile from this list every time it encounters a Cell with a corner layout. |
intersectionObjects | A list of prefabs used in when generating the prefab with tiles, will select a random tile from this list every time it encounters a Cell with a intersection/t-section layout. |
crossroadObjects | A list of prefabs used in when generating the prefab with tiles, will select a random tile from this list every time it encounters a Cell with a crossroad/4-way layout. |
deadEndObjects | A list of prefabs used in when generating the prefab with tiles, will select a random tile from this list every time it encounters a Cell with deadend. |
--- | --- These can be set to empty if the maze is being generated with the walls and pillars |
wallPrefab | A prefab used as the walls when generating the maze with the walls and pillars method. Note: this prefab will be stretched to fit the cellSize. |
pilarPrefab | A prefab used as the pillar when generating the maze with the walls and pillars method. |
--- | ---These can be set to empty if the maze is being generated with the tile prefabs |
generateOnStart | If set to true, it will generate a new maze every time the scene loads on the Start() frame. |
--- | --- |
grid | A QuadGrid class with the maze layout information |
uniqueTiles | A dictionary of Cells and Prefabs used for Modifiers and the prefab tiles method. When detecting a cell contained in the dictionary it will spawn the corresponding prefab instead of a random one. |
Public Methods
Method | Description |
CreateMaze | Generates the maze |
ResetMaze | Destroys every child object of this maze object |